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"ReBORN" Retreat


All inclusive retreat. 

day or two of deep relaxation and healing. 


Beautiful & peaceful spaces.

Movement Therapy
Your Human Design Outline
Tea with Intuitive Guidance
Deep Guided Meditation
Delicious Healthy Feast 

What to expect:

Bring full completion to ancient frustrations, doubts & fears.

Step into a new paradigm.


   BE CONFIDENT about your value & visions.

   BE GRATEFUL for all of the miracles to come. 

   BE HEALTHY in your body & mind. 

   BE PEACEFUL with a mindset to deal with anything.

   BE INSPIRED & intuitively guided daily. 

What you will receive:

1. Self-mastery tools :

       - Your personal Human Design Outline

       - Emotional Freedom Technique ( EFT) clearing

       - Easy rituals to rewire for ease & happiness


2. Restorative yoga with soundbath


3. Deep Guided Rebirthing Ceremony


4. Facilitated graceful & sensual movements


5. Enlightening messages: Get your deepest questions answered.


6. Healing Benefits of Essential Oils 


7. Nourishing feast & treats throughout the day. 



What to bring: 


  • Your beautiful Self

  • A comfortable blanket 

  • A yoga mat





Meet Retreat Hosts - click the photo for BIO

Diana: 647 268 4124

Keidi:  416 908 7473

With love,
Keidi & Diana

Clients Experiences

Katie Christie

Nutritionist, Founder of Soulfest 

" My Human Design Analysis with Diana was bang on! Amazing revelations & insights. Diana is very tuned - in and a wise coach. I feel crystal clear with my strengths & challenges and received very helpful advice in how to be more effective. So grateful for this awareness & understanding. "

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THE reBORN EXPERIENCE © Copyright 2017

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